Social and Employment
Philippe Lagrange
€5,000 to the Selection Committee at 2013/12/10
Project leader
"SNC is a nonprofit recognized for its effectiveness. The highly innovative and original system of "development jobs" has demonstrated its worth in getting counseled persons back to work, and renders services to many nonprofits which clearly lack resources. I will be offering Greater Lyon our close knowledge of the regional players to propose and organize development jobs in the nonprofits."
Philippe Lagrange
Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage (SNC) is a nonprofit created in 1985 by Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld to combat unemployment and mechanisms of social exclusion, chiefly by creating and developin outreach activities. One of its main missions today is to accompany jobseekers with human and personalized support, provided by volunteer company employees and retirees trained for this purpose. Today, 2500 jobseekers are counseled by 1400 volunteers spread among 120 local solidarity groups, across France, with a success rate of 62% when completed. SNC also creates and finances outreach, so-called "development" jobs, for long-term unemployed persons, with the support of 3000 donors.
Today, SNC wants to expand the offer of development jobs, while contributing further resources to the action of the volunteers in the provinces.
Developing development jobs

SNC proposes to nonprofits or to agencies wishing to expand their activities, but which lack the resources to do so, to hire people counseled by their network. These jobs, lasting an average of one year (six months renewable), are financed by SNC up to the minimum wage, with state aid in the framework of subsidized contracts (CUI).
For the beneficiary, the development job represents a key factor in the return to work: it enables him to use his skills, to start earning again, and to recover self-sufficiency. It can also advance his professional requalification. Earning an income can also help destitute persons reinstate their right to compensation. Two-thirds of the people counseled by SNC have in fact been out of work for at least a year.
For the employer nonprofit, the financing of an outreach job is a prop for its development, as well as a source of hope when they suffer a lack of public subsidies, which is the case of many structures. The structure is thus assisted for a year and can then hire the person under an open-term contract. While it would be desirable for the partner nonprofits to participate in financing the employee, in most cases, SNC bears the full costs. In the case of contract renewals, particularly in the prospect of a permanent job, the partner nonprofits often share in the financing. The counseling (by SNC) continues during the period of the development job, and the counselors also have relations with the host nonprofit.
Acquiring means matching one's needs
The number of volunteers engaged alongside SNC is growing steadily. While their highly elaborate training program has been producing results for 18 years, there is a need today to organize training programs in the social networks designed for jobseekers. Besides, since more and more training programs are organized in the provinces, it is becoming vital to equip the trainers with portable computers. Moreover, in order to lead seminars for acculturation and trading practices, as well as friendly outdoor events, SNC's national secretariat is acquiring appropriate materials and sound equipment. And to provide a telephone hotline six days out of seven, the nonprofit is acquiring the equipment it needs.
The foundation is joining in to provide the material resources as part of a vast project financed by several foundations.