Submit a project

Do you have a project that could be a candidate for Foundation support? Identify a sponsor from among the 218,000 Veolia employees.

The Veolia Foundation supports non-profit projects of general interest in three areas: 

Humanitarian emergencies and development aid

Projects to provide access to essential services (drinking water, sanitation, waste management) in developing countries

Environmental conservation & Biodiversity

Projects to protect water resources

Social inclusion through work & Social links

Job access projects linked to the Group's businesses and expertise

A request for support from the Foundation must be submitted by a Veolia employee, who undertakes to become the sponsor. He or she acts as the link between the project partner and the Foundation, meeting the project leader on a regular basis and checking the relevance of his or her initiative with regard to the Foundation's criteria. He or she assesses the project's technical and financial feasibility, assists the project leader throughout the application process and follows the project through to its conclusion.



Project appraisal is based on the following criteria:

Sustainability and replicability

  • Projects must be sustainable and/or replicable.
  • The Foundation does not support one-off projects (e.g. events). In addition, projects must have established evaluation criteria for their actions, with clearly defined and quantified objectives. 

Geographic focus 

The Foundation gives priority to the following countries or zones:

  • North America,
  • South America: Brazil, Colombia, Chile
  • Europe
  • Africa, Near and Middle East: Morocco, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal
  • Asia Pacific: China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, India

Application calendar

Applications for support may be submitted at any time of the year, but must be presented to one of the Foundation's governing bodies (Selection Committee or Board of Directors), whose meetings are held alternately every quarter.


The Foundation mainly finances projects between €10,000 and €80,000. Its commitment may not represent more than 66% of the total amount of the project, nor less than 10%.

The Foundation finances project capital expenditure. A minority share for training may be accepted if it contributes to the sustainability of the project.

When applying for support, please ensure that your project meets these criteria so that your application can be considered by the Veolia Foundation.