Social and Employment
Montluçon, France
Roger Vericel
13,600 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/01/29
Project leader
"The equipment has really become obsolete and its renewal would enable the association to really take off."
Roger Vericel
According to the Pénélope association, based in Montluçon, 600 tons of clothing are given to the charitable associations of the Allier district for distribution to persons in difficulty. Before anything else can be done, these donations demand a fastidious task of sorting, dry or wet cleaning, ironing, repair and sometimes transformation.
This is what the Pénélope association does in order to breathe new life into these clothes, which are then sold at low prices in its two boutiques. At the same time, it works for the professional integration of women in serious difficulty.
Leasing ceremonial clothing: a new activity
Pénélope trains them in the various tasks: sorting the clothes, laundry, storage, ironing and repairs. It helps them to return to company life with teamwork, respect for working hours and working methods. Each beneficiary must have a work project outside the association, which then helps her to consolidate the project. Pénélope is part of the "Tissons la Solidarité" network, which groups other job placement associations under the auspices of Secours Catholique. It has about 35 persons.
Besides this activity, set up since 1993, the association wants to develop a business in one of its boutiques in leasing ceremonial clothing, disguises and accessories.
It would also like to refurbish its very old collection of home appliances, and improve the premises that it has been occupying since 2005.
The association approached the Veolia foundation to participate in the acquisition of part of the home appliances.