Social and Employment
Pessac, France
Pierre Flandrois
12,500 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/03/26
Project leader
« By investing in new equipment, this workforce development association will come closer to the corporate world. The best way to preserve the dynamism necessary for the permanence of its action. »
Pierre Flandrois
Youths supervised by educators, minimum-wage earners, long-term unemployed ... in 2003, the association Bati-Action was created to organize educational projects to enable these publics in serious difficulty to reintegrate both socially and professionally.
Four years later, it manages 34 integration contracts, 6 fixed-term contracts and 2 professionalization contracts. It is active in two areas: the building trades and the upkeep of open spaces.
Yet Bati-Action does not just offer jobs: it dispenses training to its employees in two very different fields. General health awareness draws their attention to the need to take care of themselves, and to the dangers of addictive practices. Besides, training in the new technologies is aimed to shore up their future capacity to find a permanent job. Alongside these two actions, Bati-Action has also set up transborder exchanges with Fondation Federico Ozaman of Zaragoza in Spain, to give its employees an opening to a neighboring country.
A packed order book
Due to this sustained action, the association has earned the plaudits of its customers, and orders keep pouring in. It is even winning more and more calls for bids and works for large local companies and communes. Pessac, for example, has entrusted it with the upkeep of more than 300 hectares of open spaces for the next two years.
In order to acquire the means to ideally meet the requirements of its customers, Bati-Action asked the Veolia foundation to help it buy new equipment.
This modernization of its working capability will enable it to place its employees in conditions virtually equivalent to those of the corporate world. One more asset in favor of durable professional reintegration.