Social and Employment
the town of Grimma, near Leipzig. Germany
Wolfram Scholl
8,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2004/09/28
Project leader
Förderverein des Schule für geistig Behinderte
« I've known the school and its management team for a few years now. They are all highly professional and extremely motivated. I am convinced that our funding will make a real difference to the lives of these youngsters. »
Wolfram Scholl
The Waldschule de Grimma school, near Leipzig in Saxony, can accommodate eighty-two young people aged from six to twenty-one suffering from a range of disabilities. Staff provide special-needs teaching tailored to the abilities of each individual with the aim of preparing them for autonomy in later life. In 2005, it was granted the status of Ganztagsschule (school open from 8am to 6pm, which is rare in Germany). The school has opened an exercise room to help those suffering from severe disabilities. In this area equipped with a musical area, floor mats, massage balls, water column, curtains, etc., they are able to relax and discover their bodies. The other youngsters also have access to the facility. The school, which is actively supported by an association of parents and friends, is hoping that this will help the young people to approach their futures with a greater sense of optimism. The Veolia foundation has chosen to provide the association with funding of 8,000 euros to enable it to buy equipment which is both therapeutic and lots of fun.