Social and Employment
Poitiers, France
Yannick Scalzotto
10,000 euro to the Selection Committee at 2008/01/29
Project leader
"I find this project to be perfectly realistic and necessary for the growth of this association. It has successfully entered the textile sorting market by focusing its performance on the quality of its products."
Yannick Scalzotto
At Bruxerolle, near Poitiers, the Valoris Textile Association aids the professional integration of persons in difficulty. Its activity is focused on textile upgrading by recycling or reconditioning. The twenty-one beneficiaries, most of them unskilled women abandoned by their spouses, participate in producing rags for industrial cleaning, as well as the sorting of clothing for export, for the rag trade and for various partners.
The beneficiaries all work under a two-year fixed-term contract and are supervised by a socio-professional monitor. She helps them restore their self confidence, to learn a new craft, and above all, to find a stable job.
Because its activities are growing, the association has hired four new persons as laborers. It has also enlarged the workshop area by more than 200 m2.
But this extension lacks heating and lighting.
The Valoris Textile Association approached the Veolia Foundation concerning these two projects.