Humanitarian and Development
District of Yélimané, Mali
€50,000 to the Selection Committee at 2010/03/30
Project leader
For over five years, the District of Yélimané (city in northwestern Mali) has been enjoying specific support through PADDY (Programme d'appui au développement durable de Yélimané). Launched on the initiative of the city of Montreuil, France (93) with the association of migrants natives of the region (ADCYF), it is aimed at providing the conditions for food self-sufficiency and a sustainable economic impetus for this area, located in the confines of the Sahel. Among the players in the field, AFAK (Association française d'appui au développement de la région de Kayes) provides technical assistance on agriculture related projects.
Improving the daily life of 700 families
AFAK is launching a new project in 2010. The idea is to make permanent the activities of twenty-three market garden associations created by the women in ten communes in the district. The construction of wells will enable them to farm the land all year long, including during the dry season. The fence of the market gardens will protect them from animals. A major source of income for the poor rural families, market gardening will also provide an indispensible supplement for the food supply during the months when everyone expects rain. Beyond the immediate impact on the living conditions of about 700 families, this project is established for the long-term. It will in fact facilitate the development of marketing arrangements outside the Yélimané district, especially for produce such as onions and shallots. A powerful lever to consolidate the local economy.