In September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. They thus committed themselves to significantly improving the climatic, environmental, social and economic situations encountered today across the world.
Achieving these SDGs is a real challenge, which we all have to address. In order to understand these 17 goals and how they interact, the Université Virtuelle Environnement & Développement Durable designed an educational programme. Accessible online, this Mooc is represented by 33 national and international experts, from both the North and South, and from both the academic and non-academic worlds.
After 13,248 students registered for the first session in 2018, nearly 11,600 students registered for the second session at the end of 2019. A total of nearly 25,000 people have thus familiarized themselves with this global imperative, which is essential for developing peace in the world, protecting the planet, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities.
Award-winning, the Mooc on the SDGs, developed with the support of the Veolia Foundation, has been translated into five languages. All Mooc videos are freely available, under a Creative Commons License (BY NC ND - "Attribution - No commercial use - No modification") on the UVED portal under Themed courses, and on the broadcast channels YouTube UVED and Canal-UVED.
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