The income generated covers the wages of the operator, equipment maintenance costs and the creation of a renewal fund.
This new infrastructure has been built with the Veolia Foundation’s support and provides easier access to quality water. It means one less chore for families and women in particular, who used to walk up to 5km to reach a water supply point. The water infrastructure also means that the local children can have better hygiene.
The inauguration of the infrastructure was attended by the Veolia Foundation’s executive director, Thierry Vandevelde, and several prominent local and national figures, including Bandia Doumbouya, the Minister of Energy and Hydraulics’ chief of staff, and Alpha Ibrahim Nabe, the CEO of SNAPE (National Water Supply Points Service).
This new phase is part of the cooperation agreement signed in 2014 by the Veolia Foundation with the Republic of Guinea’s Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics. Click here to find out more.