Because no-one is unemployable, the Veolia Foundation supports initiatives and structures in places where Veolia is active that help people who have dropped out of mainstream society return to work or that strengthen social links.
The Foundation:
- supports projects that offer counselling, training, and social and professional integration through economic activity
- gives preference to innovative projects that trial new ways of creating employment and fostering social links
- focuses its support on projects that establish "bridges" between people in subsidized employment programs and the company's three business activities.
Highlight Project
Lulu dans ma rue, a neighborhood concierge service
Launched in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, "Lulu dans ma rue" is an innovative initiative that combines a kiosk in the street and a web platform. In this way, it offers two points of contact – physical and virtual – between people looking for a service and people who have the time and skills to provide it.
The benefits:
- LCombat exclusion on a sustainable basis
- Improve quality of life for city-dwellers and offer a source of additional income
- Regenerate social links in the neighborhood
"By creating a network of high-quality local services, we want to rehydrate the city through human contact. Being part of the network, the hub of which will be the concierge kiosk, will allow service providers to acquire a status and become better known in the neighborhood. We're on a social quest: we want to change this society that condemns so many talented people to enforced idleness. There's no such thing as a dead-end job: doing a good job with the aim of performing a service is something of great value and allows people to feel proud of what they do."
Charles-Edouard Vincent
Founder of Emmaüs Défi and Lulu dans ma rue