Environment and Biodiversity
Marie-Claire Pepiot
6,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/05/31
Project leader
Cosmetic Executive Women
"The association helps patients to assume their illnesses with a certain dignity and so feel less anxious about how others might perceive them. For this reason, its work has won the unanimous support of the medical profession."
Marie-Claire Pepiot
Seriously ill patients undergoing hospital treatment often feel cut off from the outside world and the everyday pleasures of normal life can sometimes take on major importance. Founded in the Paris area in 1997, the work of the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) association centres around a simple observation: female patients who have been made up to look better find it easier to tolerate physical suffering than those whose unkempt reflection in the mirror leaves them in despair.
The association's hunch that there was a real need in this regard has been confirmed by the growing demand for its services provided by professional beauticians acting in a voluntary capacity. In the eight years since the association's founding, it's work has taken on key importance for a large number of patients. In 2004, 230 active members provided beauty care to 11,000 patients within twelve different hospital departments.
The importance of self-image
To help those in most need, the beauticians of CEW only work with patients suffering from serious illness who are feeling isolated since families and friends are either too busy to take care of them or lack the capabilities. Experience has shown that the presence of volunteers offering free beauty care in a hospital environment provides psychological support to patients by helping them to assume their physical appearance and overcome or attenuate the physical deterioration caused by periods of intense treatment.
In light of this success and the growing number of sites where its services are required, the CEW now needs to upgrade its office equipment in order to improve coordination of its work. Together with other public and private partners, the Veolia Foundation has been asked to provide funding to cover the cost of computer equipment. The 6,000 euros provided will be used to purchase laptops, a printer, a projector, etc. to be used as part of a concerted effort to restore dignity to patients.