Social and Employment
Boris Efremenko
30,000 euro to the Selection Committee at 2006/03/28
Project leader
SDN (Services démolitions et nettoyages)
« The number of people living in very precarious conditions is increasing. It concerns an increasing number of women and older people, most of whom have no fixed abode. I think it is vital to support this kind of initiative. »
Boris Efremenko
In the Paris region, like most of the big urban centers in the country, the number of people living in particularly difficult circumstances is constantly increasing. At the same time, collection of WEEE* is a fast-growing market, partly because of higher equipment rates, both for business and households, but also because of the law passed in the summer of 2005 imposing rational collection of this waste through ad-hoc structures. In response to these two factors, SDN (Services Démolitions et Nettoyages), a subsidized employment company offering work to homeless people on demolition, rubble removal and cleaning projects, developed a WEEE* collection and dismantling service in Paris two years ago.
Growing demand
partnership with non-profit organization Les Ateliers du Bocage, it opened a workshop for this activity, offering work for women and slightly disabled people or people physically unable to work on other projects requiring a greater degree of physical strength. In the first two years of its existence, SDB has confirmed that this new activity corresponds to a genuine need and is now even having to cope with increasing demand.
Hence, to continue developing this activity under satisfactory conditions and optimize its profitability, SDN plans to buy new handling and packaging equipment and two utility vehicles.
The Veolia foundation is familiar with the challenges of the sector and approved a grant of 30,000 euros to support this fast-growing activity.
* WEEE: Waste electrical and electronic equipment.