Social and Employment
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France
Tania Morisson
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/06/16
Project leader
"The project has begun, some buildings are nearing completion, with top quality services.The staff is efficient and we observed solid perseverance on the job and real involvement on the part of the persons rejoining the mainstream: thanks to this practical training in the building trades, this project bears the seeds of hope."
Tania Morisson
Since refurbishing is a very expensive proposition today, maintaining and managing a castle is not as simple as it seems.In 1988, several stakeholders of the commune of Hérouville Saint-Clair devised an original solution to this dilemma by creating an SIAE (back-to-work structure through economic activity): Le Domaine de Beauregard.This structure, responsible for managing the whole architectural ensemble and its park, employs persons in very serious difficulty who cannot manage to fit into conventional job seeking systems.A partner of training organizations in the building trades (structural work and finishings, furniture and equipment, upkeep of open spaces), Le Domaine de Beauregard thus dispenses quality training to its employees, during school projects which refurbish and maintain the castle.
Twelve new back-to-work contracts
In a former farmhouse which demanded complete refurnishing, Le Domaine de Beauregard set up the project to create a resource center on sustainable development and eco‑citizenship.The new school project will help recruit twelve persons on back-to-work contracts, and the initiative - exemplary in view of its final purpose - uses increasingly sought after environment-friendly materials and techniques.Faced with this twofold dimension - workforce development plus sustainable development - the Veolia Foundation decided to back the new project that will enable the twelve employees of the project to acquire training that they can use in the conventional economy upon leaving their integration period.Once it is open to the public - individuals, schools, companies - the resource center will acquire an educational tool on the water cycle: at Hérouville Saint-Clair, the sea, the groundwater table, water catchment, distribution, wastewater services, the canal, purification and the river, are issues that are close to the daily concerns of the population.