Promoting access to cycling for vulnerable groups

Whilst ecomobility is easy to promote in urban areas where everything is gradually adapting to soft modes of transport, rural areas are not so fortunate. Whilst cycling in particular helps to escape from a form of isolation, you still have to be properly equipped and feel comfortable. This is the challenge facing Dromolib in the Drôme Department.

Social & Employment

  • Location:
    Drôme (France)
  • Sponsor:
    Philippe Lagrange
  • Grant:
    €5,000 to the Selection Committee meeting of 1 April 2021

Project owner


Created in 2014, the Dromolib mobility agency is a Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) structure based in Crest, in the Drôme Department. It promotes and develops ecomobility - sustainable and lasting mobility - in rural areas and contributes towards supporting change. With its four employees, it offers support through awareness-promotion workshops, advice (mobility diagnosis), training or even introducing ecomobility solutions (bike rental and carpooling).

Its Dromobus project is part of this dynamic. The association starts from the premise that one out of every two trips is 3 to 5 kilometres long, a distance easily covered by bicycle. You still need a bicycle and have to feel comfortable using it. With its bus converted into a bicycle repair shop and riding school, Dromolib should appeal to a rural public, which is often some distance away from a suitable transport option. Its clear objectives are to convince the public to travel by bicycle and, in many cases, to enable a return to work once the difficulty of getting around has been eliminated. At any rate, this is the challenge that lies behind this project supported by the Veolia Foundation.