Producing drinking water for the refugees of the armed conflict in Chad

Following the attack by the rebel troops in Chad, 8000 refugees have been accommodated in a UNHCR camp at Maltam (Cameroon) where a Red Cross health structure provides first aid.

Approached by the Red Cross, Veoliaforce dispatched two volunteers in February 2008 to ensure the water and energy self-sufficiency of a first aid center, in an emergency camp installed at Maltam to accommodate the refugees from Chad fleeing the armed conflict which swept the country in early 2008. On the spot, the volunteers were also asked by UNICEF to improve the drinking water service on a very short deadline, to contend with the massive influx of refugees.

Humanitarian and Development

  • Location:
    Maltam, Cameroon
  • Date:
    March 2008
  • Partners:
    Red Cross, UNICEF