Humanitarian and Development
Senegal, Bolivia, India, Laos, India
Bruno Bonfante, Veolia Eau
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/07/05
Project leader
The World Water Forum, due to be held in Mexico in March 2006, will see representatives from across the world set out their visions of the measures which need to be taken to preserve "blue gold'" and present their most original achievements in this field.
On this occasion, six students who are about to graduate from the most prestigious French universities (Centrale, HEC, etc.), working together within the Eau'Rizon association, will present a summary of work undertaken in the preceding months in four countries: Senegal, Bolivia, India, Laos. Acutely concerned by the problems relating to reasonable (and therefore sustainable) use of water resources, they have conducted various assignments in these countries in liaison with NGOs.
Experience worth sharing
In Senegal, they will conduct a financial audit of the operating committee for the new water management system in the village of Bokidiawé with the NGO, "Hydraulique sans frontières". In Bolivia, in the village of Saya, they will restore Inca hydraulic structures, with "ID-Eau". In India, they will renovate the hydraulic system in the village of Paramenkeni (between Madras and Pondichery), which was severely damaged by the Asian tsunami, in partnership with the Father Ceyrac Association. Finally, in Laos, they will take part in the construction of a mini hydroelectric power plant in the north of the country (Nham Nhone) once again in partnership with "Hydraulique sans frontières".
Together with other private partners, the Foundation has chosen to provide funding of 15,000 euros to help cover travel expenses and costs arising from the purchase of certain hydraulic equipment. Looking beyond the aid provided and its ground-breaking?, professional and personnel aspect, the Eau’Rizon project is highly promising : by combining experience acquired in the field of water management all around the world and by reporting on their activities at an international event, the students will make a real contribution to increasing awareness of how important it is to preserve such a precious resource as water.