Environment and Biodiversity
Versailles, Yvelines., France
Pascal Decary
€3,200 to the Selection Committee at 2005/04/05
Project leader
Cultures du Coeur
« This is an original approach since it brings together the worlds of culture and social cohesion by letting the most disadvantaged people gain access to high-quality theatre. »
Pascal Decary
Cultures du Cœur is an association with branches throughout France that tries to fight against cultural exclusion by creating partnerships with the cultural world so as to obtain free tickets that it then takes responsibility for distributing to the most disadvantaged people. Since it was established, Cultures du Cœur 78, which has its headquarters in the Théâtre Montansier in Versailles, has been able to offer more than a thousand people free theatre tickets in this way.
At the same time, the Association carries out actions to increase sensitivity and awareness among people working in education and social endeavours by emphasising the important role that access to culture plays in reintegrating people into society. To finance its many initiatives, it relies on a network of corporate partners. The Veolia foundation therefore decided to provide a grant of €3,200 so that Cultures du Cœur 78 can buy computers that will, in particular, manage the files of free tickets.