Social and Employment
Oise in Picardy, France
Gérard Bothorel
7 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/06/16
Project leader
MOB 60
"The project leader met the social workers (special assistants for minimum-wage recipients of the district, directors and counselors of the local missions, managers of the rural social centers, etc.) and the elected officials of the Oise district.They are all fully aware that the lack of mobility is a real obstacle to the success of any back-to-work plan for a fair number of inhabitants.They all welcome a project like that of MOB 60."
Gérard Bothorel
The Oise Valley and its pretty villages that emerge from the forest byways is a deeply rural district.Yet, what may appear to be a haven of peace for city dwellers craving the countryside, often proves to be a real problem for destitute groups of the population needing jobs but lacking any means of locomotion.It is in fact impossible to search for a sufficiently upscale job on foot or by public transport.
To provide an answer to this real obstacle to returning to work, MOB 60, a nonprofit supported by the local authorities, was created in 2009.In the Oise in Picardy (seven cantons containing 153 communes and about 55 000 inhabitants), it plans to propose two types of answers to make it easier for jobseekers or training candidates to get around.
Contractual commitments
For all those who approach it with a precise project - course, training, new job, job interview - it will propose a moped rental service at easily affordable prices.Persons having trouble re-entering the mainstream and wanting to use this service will first have to be oriented by a referent - social worker, local mission counselor, staff of the social centers or employees of Pôle Emploi - who will have to validate the signature of a rental contract.Before the beneficiary mounts the two-wheeler, MOB 60 will provide information on road safety.
MOB 60 also has a second answer, a machine shop where groups experiencing difficulties going back to work or rejoining mainstream society can come to learn - or supplement - the fundamentals of mechanical repairs, which will also help keep the rental moped fleet in good working order.Engagement in the project will be based on voluntary and unpaid services, it will be staffed by a partner workforce development structure that will sign an agreement with MOB 60 setting the targets and duration of the engagement.After this initiation, the beneficiaries will, for example, be able to consider taking a diploma training course as a mechanic, for instance.
To help this very useful service take off, the Veolia Foundation is participating in providing the tools for the maintenance shop.