Social and Employment
Rabat, Morocco
Jean-Michel Tiberi
11 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/06/16
Project leader
"Handicapped persons are severely marginalized today in Moroccan society.Many of them live in an extremely precarious situation.There is a glaring lack of material and financial resources to help them.This is why I believe that any support for Pinocchio, even if positioned far upstream of our responsibility as employees, is fully consistent with our commitment to manage the diversity within Moroccan society.I see it as a tremendous sign of confidence to be given by our Company to this developing country and to all its components."
Jean-Michel Tiberi
In 1999, parents of handicapped children of the Rabat area created a Moroccan law nonprofit association, Pinocchio.Its objective, which may seem too high, is actually simple.The idea is to foster the school integration of handicapped children from all social classes, including those in a situation of serious difficulty.Trisomic, autistic, cerebral palsy children ... the aim is to have them follow an educational curriculum in public or private schools, in which they can rub shoulders with healthy children and thereby take advantage of the emulation inspired by the company of several friends of their own age group.
Thanks to its resolute commitment and with the support of French psychology specialized in handicaps, Pinocchio has succeeded in recruiting and training educators to monitor each of the students.With the backing of the regional educational authority of Rabat, classes will soon be opening in several schools: two in the Jeanne d'Arc School (for trisomic and cerebral palsy children), two in the Alhizam Alakhbar School (cerebral palsy), a class for autistic children in the Azzoubayr Ibn Aouam School, a daycare centre for trisomic children in the Le Petit Chevalier School and pre-professional work jobs for adolescents in the Imam Al Boukhari Junior-High School.
Verticalizers and trampolines
Yet Pinocchio still has to equip the premises provided, so that it is turned toward international outreach organizations like the Veolia Foundation.Tables, chairs, wheelchairs, suitable educational materials, have already been installed, but Pinocchio also wants to purchase verticalizers for cerebral palsy children and adolescents, and specialized equipment for physical education - all handicaps combined.
With the grant from the Foundation, Pinocchio will be able to provide its classes with several verticalizers, trampolines, adjustable basketball boards, ping pong tables and structures for the youngest (slides, tunnels, etc.).Some fifty students will soon benefit from these materials, which will bring a ray of hope into their sometimes very difficult lives.