Social and Employment
Project leader
Junta de Vecinos - Maipù
La Rinconada de Maipù, Chile
Rodrigo Leiva
36 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/04
"The neighborhood association "El Nuevo Maiten" has been working unstintingly to develop projects improving the security and quality of life of the very destitute families living in this commune. The practice of a sport could be a saving grace for these deprived youths."
Rodrigo Leiva
Located in the rural commune of Maipù (metropolitan region of Chili), the disadvantaged neighborhood of "La Rinconada de Maipù" has 5500 inhabitants spread among three built-up areas: El Maiten, Joquin Olivares and Rinconada Lo Vial. In this marginal area where the population live in extremely precarious conditions, 30% of them are under 20 years of age. Vagrancy and drug addiction unfortunately constitute the daily lot of an idle youth, abandoned to themselves.
Faced with a rising delinquency, the neighborhood association "El Nuevo Maiten" was formed in July 2006 to improve the living conditions of these inhabitants. In early 2007, it undertook the construction of the an omnisports facility where it plans to develop an educational and sports program dedicated to youths.
A Place Where Solidarity can be Recovered
The inhabitants are highly motivated by the project, because this sports ground will also become the meeting place of the neighborhood, the place where they can take part in inexpensive leisure activities or rediscover an enriching social life.
The omnisports facility will be built on a plot granted by the "owners' committee" of the neighborhood, for a 20-year period. It will then be managed by the association, which will hire two persons for its maintenance.
In order to self-finance the project, a token payment of 0.7 euro per month will be required from the inhabitants interested in one of the sports activities proposed.
The association also wants to lease this land for special events, outside the community and organize intercommunal meetings in order to raise the funds. Besides, thanks to the financial participation of the municipality, educators specializing in mini-football and volleyball will staff the children and adolescents (boys and girls) of the neighborhood for free activities or training sessions.
To draw these adolescents away from delinquency and drugs, and to help them find a new balance in the practice of sports, the Veolia foundation backs this project with a grant of 36 000 euros.