Social & Employment
- Location:
Troyes (France) - Sponsor:
Laurent Namur - Grant:
€15,000 at the selection committee on 28 October 2020
Project owner
Since it was established in 1871, Aurore has become a benchmark in terms of providing support for people in precarious situations. The three pillars of the organization's work are shelter, care, and integration. These sum up the areas of action it uses to help the people it supports - whether they have an addiction, are victims of violence, are suffering psychologically, are unemployed or handicapped - back on the road to self-sufficiency.
La Ressourcerie helps people in difficulty
For 13 years, Aurore has been running La Ressourcerie in Troyes. It is a structure built on solidarity, integration through work and the circular economy. It is dedicated to the recovery and reuse of objects and waste.
Organized into four workshops - recovery, transport, recycling and sales - La Ressourcerie employs 65 people on fixed-term job integration contracts (CCDI). These employees are responsible for receiving, sorting, repairing and selling a wide range of collected objects and materials. They thus have access to work. And during the 18 months (24 at most) of the integration process, they regain their self-confidence and acquire or improve their practical and interpersonal skills.
La Ressourcerie, a local enterprise
Not far from Troyes, specifically in Chapelle Saint-Luc, a huge 5,000 m2 warehouse houses the structure’s activities: 3,000 m2 for sorting, storage, repair of objects/equipment and crushing. And 2,000 m2 open to the general public for the sale of second-hand objects. Every week, nearly 800 customers come here to buy furniture, clothing, toys, crockery, etc. In relation to waste collection and sale, La Ressourcerie also collaborates with some fifty local companies and institutions that are very interested in this approach.
A few years ago, La Ressourcerie acquired an archive shredder and a wood chipper. At the time, this equipment enabled it to launch a new activity which resulted in the creation of three integration jobs. But after eight years of service, one of the machines wore out completely and the other broke down. The support of the Veolia Foundation has made it possible to acquire new ones to ensure the sustainability of the activity.