Social & Employment
- Location:
Rhône (France)
- Sponsor:
Aurélien Beaufils
- Grant:
€5,000 at the selection committee meeting on 16 March 2020
Project leader
An entity in the SOS Group, Brigades Vertes are dedicated to integrating jobseekers into the maintenance sector in rural and natural areas. The organization's activities have a strong ecological focus: zero use of phytosanitary products, optimizing travel, raising awareness about eco-citizenship, waste management and recovery (green, wood, food), choosing alternative materials, sustainable agriculture and short circuits...
A territorial network
Teams made up of employees on fixed-term contracts are sent to the field to work for local partners: Pôle Emploi, Maisons du Rhône, Métropole de Lyon, etc. And it’s very successful, since in 2019 for example, the positive outcome rate was 58%.
The wood workshop for 2020
A carpentry workshop was established in 2017 when the organization won a public contract for building and installing wooden composters. Since then, the management of the Brigades Vertes has become aware of the obvious enthusiasm for this type of product and is keen to drive it forward. One of the technicians trained to become a master composter and the workshop expanded to include the production of garden bins and tables, bird boxes and other small pieces of wooden furniture.
With the support of the Veolia Foundation, the aim is to speed up this movement by making it more professional. The workshop will be relocated to benefit from enlarged premises and the presence of a newly hired and qualified carpenter. The organization also intends to develop a training program resulting in a qualification, a support for a vocational diploma and a vehicle for a speedier return to work for job-seeker employees.
The challenge is to focus on the jobs of the future, which are currently under pressure, in order to facilitate access to employment for the groups of people targeted by the Brigades Vertes.