Social and Employment
Seine-Maritime, France
Stéphane Bonnaud
6 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/12/01
Project leader
Located at Mont-Saint-Aignan, the APF 76 delegation conducts the same operations as the headquarters in its district, to insist on the prerogatives of the handicapped persons that it represents with the institutions.Its main objectives are the defense of the rights of persons in a motor handicap situation, combating discrimination, fighting isolation and strengthening the bonds between all the players of the association, an avenue for the expectations of its members, the development of actions facilitating personal and group projects and participation in societal debates.In addition to the activities conducted in the premises of the association (workshops for painting, yoga, information technology, etc.), to perform its missions, the delegation organizes sports outings (swimming pool) and cultural excursions (cinema, concerts, exhibitions).
Everyday life, work, obligations, healthcare, also require movement
The delegation also transports interested members to their healthcare appointments and trainee adults to their workplace.Meeting the legitimate need for self-sufficiency of persons in a handicapped situation in the district, requires the purchase of a suitable vehicle.It will help improve their daily life, intensify associative life and strengthen the link with the players of the network.
The Foundation has joined in the purchase of this vehicle, a deeply human project that will benefit the association's members and volunteers, which means about three hundred sixty persons.