Social and Employment
Gaillac, France
Valérie Guinet
19 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/09/29
Project leader
"The Césure project is a lovely, albeit temporary way to give handicapped adults a second wind by letting them enjoy a different life from the one dispensed in a medicalized institution.
It also gives relief to their families."Valérie Guinet
Gardening, taking care of animals, participating in art workshops: the association Césure proposes to offer all this to the handicapped adults that it plans to accommodate in an old farm, for temporary stays. Founded by two specialized educators, thoroughly familiar with handicapped persons and their problems, the association wants to function as a complement to the current provision of home services and long-term residents in medicalized institutions.
In the countryside, in a tranquil structure that is fully dedicated to them, the guests will be able to enjoy a privileged moment: a break, in the midst of a fairly difficult life, during which, accompanied by their families, they can experience shared moments, packed with emotion and calm.
55 handicapped persons welcomed every year
The farm and its 4 hectare plot are located at Gaillac, in the Tarn district, provided to Césure by the municipality. Undergoing rehabilitation, thanks in particular to the grant from the Veolia Foundation, the buildings will receive the first groups of handicapped persons in early 2010. On the property, they will be encouraged to participate in the life of the farm and to devote themselves to artistic activities.
In a high grade family atmosphere, they will be able to relax, perhaps also review their life decisions.
A total of fifty-five persons will be residing every year in this facility. Césure plans to create ten jobs to deal with the innovative shelter - one that was hitherto nonexistent in the Midi-Pyrénées region.