Social and Employment
Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
Éric de Laguiche
5,000 euro to the Selection Committee at 2005/12/06
Project leader
« I think that this project is well designed and appreciated locally. »
Éric de Laguiche
The Cergy-based non-profit organization TIE-BE was founded in May 2003 to help the residents of Tiebele, a rural community 200 km south of Ouagadougou, implement a development program for their town.
The program it has chosen for 2006 involves improving the town’s healthcare infrastructure. The program was developed in a partnership with a local non-profit organization, APIC*.
First aid and a health center
In the project’s first phase, a group of 10 firefighters from Chanteloup-les-Vignes traveled to Tiebele in February and, in collaboration with their Burkinabe counterparts, dispensed training in first aid. The objective was to make sure that the villagers were capable of administering essential care in emergencies.
In the second phase, a group of 10 young volunteers accompanied by a nurse and engineers belonging to TIE-BE and APIC will work on renovating the hospital, dispensary and maternity buildings of the Tiebele health center.
Each volunteer contributed €200 and each firefighter contributed €300 to finance the program. Funding will soon be obtained from several municipalities and aid agencies. The €5,000 requested from the Veolia foundation will be used to purchase materials for renovating the buildings.