Environment and Biodiversity
Fresnes, France
François Bruyant
11,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2004/11/30
Project leader
Association culturelle et éducative de la maison d'arrêt de Fresnes
« This project will really add to inmates' daily life. Some are trained in camera techniques, a great bonus for their post-penitentiary integration. »
François Bruyant
In the Fresnes correctional institute, information is spread on scraps of paper, the only way prisoners have for communicating with the warrant through guards. It's a long, complicated process that is not open to everyone, as many prisoners are foreign or illiterate. Through the Fresnes correctional institute's Cultural and Educational Association (Acemaf), a director and a French teacher started an in-house television channel. Its goal is to be a window onto the world, providing widespread access to news.
By inmates, for inmates

This channel will portray daily life in prison by treating problems related to health, education, and professional training within regulatory authorisations. It will also discuss preparation for eventual prison release, a crucial step. A team of twelve inmates will work on production in the “La fabrique” workshop. It will direct original, offbeat programming and will present information that has been checked with the penitentiary administration and the International Prison Watch. Through an 11,000 euro contribution to the creation of this audiovisual workshop, the Veolia Foundation will help improve inmates' living conditions.