Social and Employment
Meaux, Seine-et-Marne., France
Arnaud Caget
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/05/23
Project leader
IDE (Insertion Développement Emploi)
« This team’s strength lies in the breadth of its skills, the dynamism of its actions and the network created with all the city’s associations. The main feature of IDE is that it welcomes all jobseekers whatever their level of training, handicap or origin. »
Arnaud Caget
Personal interviews
Insertion Développement Emploi (IDE): in Meaux, this association that aims to foster jobseekers’ social and workforce integration, without exception, fulfils a very important role. To assist jobseekers in their search, whatever their personal situation (age, level of education, handicaps if any, etc.), it offers a complete range of services to help them with all the formalities required: telephone booths, postage, photocopier and fax machines, newspapers, etc. Its six employees see around forty people a day, making a total of some five thousand a year.
To further improve the quality of its support, IDE wants to expand its premises: in the additional 90 square meters made available to it, IDE wants to install a computer room with eight workstations with Internet connection, two offices for personal interviews (especially for young people without any formal training being interviewed by psychologists) and an area for workshops (how to write a resume, how to conduct yourself in a recruitment interview, etc.).
To help with all the work required, the Veolia foundation has given the association a 15,000-euro grant.