Social and Employment
Carquefou, France
Pascal Bermont-Gonnet
€10,000 to the Selection Committee at 2012/12/19
Project leader
Jardin de Cocagne Nantais is a workforce development vision (production, marketing and distribution of organic vegetables) installed since 2006 on a plot released by the commune of Carquefou (15 km north of Nantes).
In exchange for work, the project proposes to the men and women in social and professional difficulty (welfare beneficiaries, long-term jobless, younger offenders) to counsel them and help them rebuild a professional project.
The 17 back-to-work employees are supervised daily by five full-time staff, with the aim of advancing their situation with regard to health, mobility and housing, training and a lasting job.
Outreach organic baskets
To develop the sale of "outreach organic baskets", it is necessary to build a wooden technical room.Today, the Jardin's vegetable baskets are packaged in a plastic tunnel which is unsuitable for professional work, and the construction of the room will help develop a new activity focused on packaging and logistics.
As evidence of its seriousness and professionalism, the nonprofit also works daily with the services of the General Council, the local mission, the French National Employment Agency and Maisons de l'Emploi and DIRECCTE Nantes Métropole is participating financially in its operations.
Let's cultivate solidarity!
The Veolia Foundation is backing the development of the sale of organic baskets, another growth opportunity for the nonprofit.
Other project supported
Partage 44
Domain : Social et emploi
Country : France
Endowment : 06/12/2006
Creation of a biological market garden offering back-to-work jobs in Carquefou, near Nantes.