Led by representatives of Cuba Cooperation France, the nonprofit operating the project, the ceremony was attended by the French Ambassador to Cuba, Jean-Marie Bruno, the president of the Interdepartmental Sanitation Syndicate of the Paris uban area (SIAAP), Maurice Ouzoulias, and thedeputy general manager of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, Patrick Barabalat.
Since 2010, SIAAP and the Foundation have together assumed the financing of the project to prevent thepollution of the Rio Ariguanabo catchment basin, whose aquifer supplies drinking water to part of Havana (more than 280,000 inhabitants of the western districts).
The program is based on many objectives, two of which have been achieved: the rehabilitation of the Bejucal station; and the creation of a network of real time warning measurements to guarantee the management and operation of the water resources of the Ariguanabo basin. The third step is to rehabilitate the wastewater collection network at Las Margaritas.
Humanitarian and Development | Cuba | 2010/03/15
SIAAP (Syndicat interdépartemental d'assainissement de l'agglomération parisienne)
Rehabilitation of a wastewater treatment plant and sanitation systems to secure the wastewater collection in Havana.